If the product is good and meets consumer needs than advertising is unnecessary. To what extent do you agree?

It is true that advertisement is one of the most beneficial steps to promote a product. Many people believe that if the merchandise is high-quality and meets the demands of buyers,
they do not need advertising. I strongly disagree with
statement for some reasons. I will elaborate on
in my essay below.
, advertisement is the key for businesses to express their products’ quality to the public to gain popularity.
is because if the item is not well known, its quality is nonsense and it can not make any profit.
For example
, Apple is a company that controls how to make their
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,… to approach their customers in the most effective way, increasing the total income significantly.
As a result
, people who understand the importance of advertising can reap the benefits of it.
In addition
, the idea of using adverts to analyze consumers’ needs is beneficial
due to
improving the quality of the products.
can be explained by some conglomerates who will explore the appearances, how it works and the price before introducing the items to the market. The purpose of it is to observe people's behaviour over it in order to upgrade and fix it before it is officially opened for sale.
For instance
, Sony released their
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preview, and
as a result
, they received lots of
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and were ready for mass production. In conclusion, for the reason I have mentioned above, I maintain that advertising is inevitable in today’s world,
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a vital role in connecting the customer and producers.
, I disagree with the statement. It can be predicted that advertising will be more creative in the future.
Submitted by nguyetcat.dao on

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Introduction Clarity
Ensure your essay introduction clearly introduces the topic and your stance on it. The thesis statement should be direct and indicate your agreement or disagreement.
Paragraph Development
Develop each paragraph with a clear topic sentence followed by explanations, examples, or evidence that directly support your main points. Avoid introducing new ideas without elaboration.
Use of Cohesive Devices
Use a range of cohesive devices appropriately (e.g., furthermore, however, for example) to link ideas within and across paragraphs smoothly.
Conclusion Strength
Ensure your conclusion summarizes the points made in the essay and restates your position on the topic. Make sure it is consistent with the argument presented throughout.
Essay Structure
Organize your essay into clear, logical sections: an introduction, body paragraphs for each main point, and a conclusion. This organization should be evident and purposeful.
Language Proficiency
Increase the complexity and accuracy of your grammatical structures and vocabulary. Aim to use a variety of sentence structures and vocabularies to express your ideas more precisely and engagingly.
Use of Examples
Cite specific examples to support your arguments, making sure they are directly relevant and effectively illustrate your point. This strengthens your essay by providing concrete evidence for your claims.
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