It is inevitable that traditional cultures will be lost as technology develops. Technology and traditional cultures are incompatible. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view.

In the modern world, technological development is accelerating rapidly. Some people believe that
rapid progress will lead to the disappearance of traditional
, I can only partly agree with
assertion because,
on the other hand
, advancements in technology
provide greater opportunities for cultural inheritance.
To begin
with, it is undeniable that the continuous development of technology has posed certain threats to the preservation of traditional
For example
, in the
century, many young people in China placed significant importance on traditional customs and lifestyles; they were enthusiastic about participating in various Chinese events and festivals. Yet, with the rise in popularity of computers and smartphones, today's younger generation in China often prefers to surf the Internet or play video games rather than engage in traditional activities,
as flying kites, performing lion dances, or racing dragon boats.
, widespread Internet access has significantly increased exposure to other
, leading some individuals to abandon their own heritage in favour of more influential
shift is evident in the growing preference for foreign cultural elements,
as Japan's anime and America's superhero phenomena, over Chinese traditions, which puts the latter at risk.
, it is important to recognise that technological advancement
brings notable benefits to the protection and promotion of traditional culture. In recent years, many technologies have been leveraged to safeguard and celebrate cultural heritage.
For instance
, numerous museums, libraries, and cultural organizations have digitized their collections and created databases to prevent the loss of historic works.
, some governments, including the Chinese government, are actively using the latest technologies to promote traditional customs. By making the pursuit of cultural heritage a fashionable activity, these efforts have successfully attracted the attention of many young people, ensuring that traditional
remain relevant in modern society. In conclusion,
it is true that developing technologies have posed a threat to traditional culture, I maintain that they bring both challenges and benefits to cultural preservation and promotion.
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You have provided a clear and comprehensive response to the task, addressing both sides of the argument effectively. However, ensure that your conclusion reiterates your main points more distinctly.
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You have supported your main points with specific examples, making your arguments more compelling and well-rounded.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • inevitable
  • traditional cultures
  • technological development
  • modern society
  • incompatible
  • decline
  • traditional crafts
  • rituals
  • digital communication
  • preserve
  • promote
  • documentation
  • online archives
  • virtual museums
  • social media
  • coexist
  • integrates
  • digital storytelling
  • augmented reality
  • cultural tourism
  • perspective
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