Some people believe that young people who commit serious crimes should be punished in the same way as adults. Do you agree or disagree?

Some people contend that punishments meant for adult criminals should
be applied to underage serious offenders. I disagree with
statement and will support my stance with reasons and examples. A primary reason is that juveniles often lack full awareness of the consequences of their crimes because they are not yet mature.
For example
, young individuals who engage in minor theft often do not realize that they are committing a crime, or they may engage in
acts for thrill-seeking purposes without complete knowledge of which
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are illegal. It's possible that these juveniles would refrain from
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if they received adequate guidance about the penalties for illegal actions,
of being immediately punished.
In contrast
, adult criminals are more likely to commit crimes with full intent, which is why they should be punished more severely. Another reason is that young offenders have a lower tolerance for punishment compared to
. Underage individuals who commit crimes like theft or assault tend to have less psychological resilience and fewer resources than their adult counterparts. If they are fined or imprisoned for several years, they are much more likely to develop psychological problems.
, they could be bullied by
in prison.
As a result
, if young offenders are punished in the same way as
, it could lead to adverse outcomes. In conclusion, I believe that punishing underage criminals in the same manner as
is inappropriate
due to
their limited understanding of the consequences and their reduced capacity to endure
penalties. We should focus on rehabilitation and education for these young individuals to prevent future
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and integrate them positively into society.
Submitted by luoyinjian2 on

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