Computers and A.I. technology are increasingly being used for online education. Can artificial intelligence enhance the learning experience ? Is this a positive or negative development ?

In today’s digital era, AI and computers are getting more and more involved in online education.
writer contends that artificial intelligence can be used as an absolutely versatile tool to improve online learning, resulting in efficient online studying, as a positive innovation. It must be acknowledged that AI’s versatility can be used to utilize studying online. AI is a supreme technology
that is
multifunctional and has the capability of performing every task from various areas perfectly, unlike other machines that are only specialized in a particular job.
Due to
ultimate property,
kind of technology can serve as a tool that can help online students with many problems and tasks with knowledge relating to different subjects, enhancing the experience
as a consequence
. An illustration of
according to
a report in Hanoi in 2021, online students said that their e-learning experience is better with AI because it improves their scores in all subjects.
, e-learning will be more effective with artificial intelligence.
is because, AI can
Wrong verb form
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on an individual’s
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create utilized ways for that person to improve their abilities,
as well as
their scores. If the person follows
strictly, their markings will be significantly boosted, which
means enhanced e-learning efficiency.
For example
, in a research
year, more than half of people who
online have a more effective way of learning, with improved timetables and
courses with AI. In conclusion,
due to
the characteristic of multifunctional, A.I. is recommended to be used to boost e-learning.
, using A.I. in
method is a good innovation, since it helps students to
more efficiently.
Submitted by [email protected] on

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Ensure the introduction effectively sets up the question and your stance. It's well done, but offering a clearer thesis statement could further strengthen it.
Body Paragraphs
Expand on your argument with more varied examples across different contexts or studies, thus providing a richer narrative and stronger evidence to support your points.
Detail and Example Use
Aim for a balance between general statements and specific details. Both are necessary, but incorporating more specific data or case studies could lend more credibility to your arguments.
Coherence and Cohesion
Take care to transition smoothly between ideas and paragraphs. You've done well, but there's always room to refine this skill to ensure the essay flows even more seamlessly.
In your conclusion, alongside restating your main points, briefly touch upon the implications or potential future of the topic. This can elevate the depth of your conclusion.
Argument Clarity
Your essay provides a clear and cohesive stance on the topic, effectively arguing for the positive impacts of A.I. in online education.
Use of Examples
The use of real-world evidence and examples to support your points makes your argument more compelling.
You've structured your essay in a logical manner, beginning with an introduction, proceeding through well-developed body paragraphs, and ending with a coherent conclusion.
Topic Knowledge
Your essay demonstrates a strong understanding of the subject matter, articulating the benefits of A.I. in enhancing the e-learning experience.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • innovative platforms
  • customized learning
  • adaptability
  • efficiency
  • lifelong learning
  • automation
  • feedback mechanisms
  • educational resources
  • remote accessibility
  • critical thinking
  • emotional development
  • over-reliance
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