Computers and A.I. technology are increasingly being used for online education. Can artificial intelligence enhance the learning experience? Is this a positive or negative development?

Nowadays, online education is more and more using artificial intelligence and computers for teaching. As I see, technology can improve the quality of learning. To be honest, it may be the advantageous thing that brings to education.
writing will give the evidence. It cannot be argued that innovation is very good at helping
interact with large amounts of knowledge through surfing or watching videos on the internet. The student often chooses
Change the verb form
to learn
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Change preposition
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Change preposition
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colourful pictures and realistic samples.
, technological advice can respond to their demand strongly.
, there are huge blocks of information and mastery from a variety of fields
as well as
social media. Take TikTok as an example,
is one of the most developed websites at present. It contains various skills in social life from command to academic grasp that teenagers should explore . On the one hand, the Computer age is seen as the highest development in the world.
it helps a student improve their communication skill,
will spend more time chatting and making new relationships.
learn how to speak with teachers. Cause of the gap between
and teachers, even the school’s head. As the multi-connection to people by technology. In conclusion, computers and artificial intelligence are increasingly important in our lives. It
brings high benefits to education by helping them learn a lot of subjects. What’s more, computers can
be played
Wrong verb form
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an important factor in daily life.

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Consider providing more varied and clear examples specifically tied to how AI enhances learning. While TikTok is mentioned, more examples related to educational AI applications could enrich your argument.
Be mindful of small grammatical errors and word choice to ensure clarity. For instance, 'technological advice can respond to their demand strongly' could be revised to 'technological devices can strongly meet their learning needs'.
Work on connecting your ideas and paragraphs more smoothly. Transitional words or phrases can help guide the reader through your arguments more fluidly.
topic understanding
You effectively outline the potential benefits of artificial intelligence and technology in education, showing a good understanding of the topic.
Your essay has a clear structure with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, which aids in reader comprehension.

Support ideas with relevant, specific examples

Examples make your writing easier to understand by illustrating points more effectively.

Examples, if used properly, not only help you get higher marks for ‘Task Response’ but also for ‘Coherence’.

When giving examples it is best to put them after your main idea or topic sentence. They can be used in the middle of supporting sentences or they can be used to start a new sentence. There is no rule for where exactly to give examples in essays, logically they would come after your main idea/topic sentence or just after a supporting sentence.

Linking words for giving examples:

  • for example
  • for instance
  • to illustrate this
  • to give a clear example
  • such as
  • namely
  • to illustrate
  • take, for example

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • innovative platforms
  • customized learning
  • adaptability
  • efficiency
  • lifelong learning
  • automation
  • feedback mechanisms
  • educational resources
  • remote accessibility
  • critical thinking
  • emotional development
  • over-reliance
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