Dear Peter,
How are you? I hope you and your family are all well. I'm writing to let you know about a part-time job. Your sister told me that you're looking for a part-time during term break. At my workplace, they are looking for a new waiter. For the role, you have to do table service. include, greeting customers, serving food and cleaning tables for a new set of customers.
I think
job is gonna be a good opportunity for you because you are going to do the hospitality course next year so I really recommend you. Linking Words
, in Linking Words
restaurant, they are very lovely, good atmosphere. Linking Words
, They are paid at an acceptable rate.
If you are interested in Linking Words
job, let me know I'm going to take you to talk with Linny. She is the manager of the restaurant. I will finish my letter for now. Don't forget to write me back.
CharlieLinking Words