Many believe that modern technology has brought people together, but others say that it has driven us apart. Discuss both viewpoints and give your own opinion.

In the 21st century, the use of
is ever-increasing. Nowadays, technological advances are commonly applied in all sectors. Most people believe that
has led to the enhancement of union
others are in a view that it has separated us.
essay will discuss both sides of the argument and give my opinion. On the one hand, many contemporaries hold the view that present
has laid a path to connect the public very efficiently.
For example
, the development of social media
as Facebook and WhatsApp has made virtual communication much more convenient by giving user-friendly interfaces comprised of video calling platforms. In
light, the connection between people has vastly increased and they can be in touch
due to
the instant delivery of messages. Other than that, the money that can be saved by using these technologies is very considerable
due to
its low usage of data.
, the usage of these websites is becoming more and more popular.
indicates that present
has connected communities together.
On the other hand
, these advancements in
have affected younger generations very badly by making them addicted to it.
For instance
, if a child only speaks to his friends by texting them, he won't be able to express his ideas when it comes to face-to-face communication.
, the population have become very busy
due to
the rapid growth in every sector
as a result
of recent
will eventually make the community become unsociable.
To sum up
presents certain drawbacks when it comes to conversation, the numerous advantages it offers cannot be overlooked. Thereby it has enhanced the cooperation among each other.
, it's essential to promote physical communication to get the proper output from
Submitted by wm.asanka.sandaruwan on

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Language Use
To further enhance your score, try incorporating more varied and complex sentence structures to demonstrate your range in language capability.
Task Achievement
Consider adding more specific, detailed examples to support your arguments. This will make your essay more convincing and comprehensive.
Task Achievement
Ensure a clear distinction between your own opinion and the discussion of the two viewpoints. Making your personal stance more pronounced towards the beginning or in a separate paragraph could strengthen your argument.
Task Achievement
Your essay effectively discusses both viewpoints as required by the task, reflecting a good understanding of the topic.
Coherence & Cohesion
The logical structure of your essay is commendable; the progression from one argument to the next is smooth and coherent.
Coherence & Cohesion
The introduction and conclusion effectively encapsulate the discussion points, providing a clear entry and exit point for the reader.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • connectivity
  • communicate
  • social media
  • virtual meetings
  • global community
  • isolation
  • distract
  • face-to-face interaction
  • personal connections
  • dependency
  • technology addiction
  • digital divide
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