Some people believe that school children should not be given homework by their teachers, whereas others argue that homework plays an important role in the education of children. Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should write at least 250 words.

In today's society, there is an ongoing debate regarding task given to children by teachers to do at home.
some opine no
policy should be adopted by schools. Others contend, afterschool
is vital and helps young adults in their education. I am in favour of the former statement, as it helps youngsters to focus on other activities and explore their interest.
essay will explore the contrasting prespective and my opinion in subsequent paragraphs.
To begin
with, no
policy helps children to spend rest of their day at home relaxing or exploring their intrest in other fields
as music, art and sports. It equally important for young adults to learn other important life skills. A very famous saying "All
and no play makes Jack a dull boy"
can be implemented in
situation aswell. To exemplify: Vietnem has introduced no
policy in 25% of the schools
due to
increacing rate of obesity and no physical activity in youngsters"
On the contrary
, believer of latter statement opine
creates a sense of disipline and responisibility in children from a very young age. It helps scholars to stay on track in studies and
does not create any panic or pressure on them during exam times.
For example
: researchers claim revising
on daily basis helps student to understand and memorise lesson in a better way. In conclusion, I believe no
helps an individual to keep their mind free and explore themselves
some thinks, afterschool
helps juvenile to stay focused yet calm during a test.
Submitted by vasudha.gupta0818 on

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Be mindful of spelling and grammar to enhance clarity and readability. For example, consider correcting phrases like 'opine no homework policy should be adopted' to 'opine that a no homework policy should be adopted,' and watch out for spelling mistakes such as 'Vietnem' which should be 'Vietnam.','type':'Language Accuracy
Coherence and Cohesion
Performance could benefit from a wider range of linking words and phrases to better connect ideas both within and between paragraphs, providing a smoother reading experience.
Task Achievement
Offer more specific examples and evidence when discussing your points to strengthen your argument. This will make your essay more persuasive.
Structural Advice
For an even stronger essay, consider adding a more detailed conclusion that not only states your view but also briefly summarizes the key points discussed in the essay, reinforcing your stance.
The essay presents a clear introduction and conclusion, effectively framing the discussion.
Content Understanding
The essay successfully covers both sides of the argument, showing understanding of the task.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Instills discipline
  • Deepen understanding
  • Independent learning
  • Reinforcement
  • Parental involvement
  • Curriculum insight
  • Burnout
  • Student stress
  • Leisure time
  • Relevance of assignments
  • Project-based learning
  • Interactive learning
  • Individual learning styles
  • Conducive study environment
  • Homework policy
  • Balanced approach
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