Animal testing has always been controversial issue. Some people believe that governments should ban these practices completely. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Whether the authorities should forbid experiments on animals is a controversial problem.
I do not agree with the idea of animal testing, I do have some reasons to appreciate the results of these tests.
To begin
with, animals that are used for laboratory exams have feelings like pain, uncomfortable etc. To be specific, because of the similar structure of humans, scientists need to use animals to know their reactions to a particular substance.
Correct your spelling
animal kind
has to undergo terrible pain.
For example
, one of the steps in cosmetic development is animal testing, like shampoo, though they are not essential for living.
way, we are suffering the other species for our pleasure.
, there is no doubt that great discoveries have been made from animal testing. A few pandemic diseases
as the plague have been completely eliminated.
, thanks to medicine research, has made it possible for us to get away from some serious illnesses.
For instance
, in most countries, governments made these vaccines available to common people in public hospitals to be given from birth.
Due to
, many countries are leading peaceful lives.
On the other hand
, there are many serious problems if the government ban all animal testing practices.
For example
,if vaccine demand significantly increases in a particular country which faces a deadly virus, because the government banned animal testing, the vaccine cannot be produced.
, a lot of people died. In conclusion,animal testing is a controversial issue because it is immoral to make them suffer.
it's a cruel act, it is still necessary for our peaceful lives.
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task response
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