The number of old people is increasing. Some think this will cause problems for countries while others believe old people still have value. Discuss both views and give your own opinion

It is true that there is an increase in the population of elderly
the assertion that issues for countries would be caused has many advocates, others hold the view that they can give us value.
essay will discuss both views and I
Wrong verb form
am supposed
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to stand for the latter
due to
those benefits regardless of the logic behind the former
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who support the fact that keeping old citizens in countries can cause numerous troubles argue that
kind of action may make the youngsters’ burden more
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. Because of the unstable health that old
have to struggle with,
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may reduce
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efficiency in working and daily routine,
the necessity of young
’s role in them.
For example
, youngsters in the USA have a tendency to put their parents and grandparents into a health care centre and leave them alone for the rest of their
Fix the agreement mistake
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due to
the inability to do some work and daily stuff. For the remaining view, advocates asserting that elderly
should be cared for
due to
their valuation
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can provide for suppose to say that those
could be a significantly enormous source of experience and historical information. It is true that if they live old enough to master a particular aspect and to gain enough knowledge about events that happened in the past, that means youngsters can collect it to make the data of humanity more prosperous and wealthy and
, it is really crucial for us to gain more knowledge about the improvement of work efficiency and risk-reducing methods.
For example
, all the professors in universities that are around 60-80 are the majority, which means that youngsters will not improve themselves if there is a lack of intelligent elderly citizens.
To sum up
, the number of old
is increasing day by day. Some
say that elderly citizens somehow are supposed to be an issue for countries. Meanwhile, the assertion that
who are over 60 still have some valuable information is supported by numerous proponents. Both views have their rationale and I am a supporter of the latter because of its merits
I acknowledge the logic behind the former.
Submitted by alicema0503 on

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Expand your examples further to show a more direct impact on society or personal experience. This provides depth and clarity to your argument.
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