Health care should not be provided for free regardless of a person’s income. The health of a person is in their own hands and they should, therefore, be held accountable for that. Do you agree with this statement?

Every individual should take responsibility for their
-related issues and allocate money to their
care from their own budget. I totally disagree with
statement for some reasons. The reason why I advocate
view is that the majority of people reside in a destitute lifestyle. To be more specific, some individuals face difficulty
due to
meeting their daily basic needs,
as eating, and clothing, and they cannot spend money on medical services.
For instance
low-income families suffer from different diseases, they do have not a certain amount of money to treat these illnesses.
, medical facilities can be provided by the authorities to reduce people’s financial burden.
As a result
, it can lead to a healthier lifestyle than the previous situation. Another point to consider is that the government should provide employees with
insurance. To elaborate,
due to
heavy workload they lack free time and the workers cannot spend time on their
circumstance causes weakness in body function, and concentration and decreases productivity.
, if human
needs are met, they focus better on their job and it gives them a sense of encouragement. Thereby, it can be beneficial to boost productivity and finance.
For example
, in some companies like Socar, the workers have a chance to get
insurance in Azerbaijan. They do not pay for medical treatment for
problems. In conclusion, these multifaceted reasons show that the government or the companies should bear responsibility for individuals’
welfare and,
people are provided with free treatment.
Submitted by quluzadenurlan107 on

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task achievement
Try to expand on your examples, providing more detail about how they support your main point.
coherence and cohesion
Consider using a wider range of linking words and phrases to show more complex relationships between your ideas.
coherence and cohesion
Review your essay to ensure each paragraph flows logically into the next. This might involve revisiting your use of topic sentences and concluding sentences within each paragraph.
Keep practicing writing essays on a variety of topics to enrich your vocabulary and ability to express complex ideas.
task achievement
You have a clear thesis statement and a consistent argument throughout your essay.
coherence and cohesion
Your essay structure is logical, with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
task achievement
You use relevant examples to support your main points, which strengthens your argument.
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