Around the world, children learn English as a second language at school. However, in some places, they also learn at kindergarten (pre-school care, when children are aged two to five) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of learning English at kindergarten.

ultra-modern world, Some innovative kindergartens teach a new language to the kids. In
essay, I will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of learning a new language in preschool.
To begin
with, There are many positive advantages of
action. To exemplify
statement, When a 5-year-old kid practices new words his or her brain automatically expands and makes neurons grow.
, Practicing new words and skills makes them happy and healthy.
, When they can speak in a different language, Their confidence will level up.
For example
, If a 6-year-old girl can understand other country's speaking, She has better feelings about herself and it affects her level of confidence.
, if the kindergarten uses modern methods, It can be perfect for the children's knowledge and
their brains remain healthy.
, There are
negative effects that practising can cause. Owing to
, They may don't like to study because they don't have any
Replace the word
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purposes and because they are children and they want to play fun games.
, It may be difficult and hard for them to study at
age because of their methods of study.
On the other hand
, For the children who can't read, Disappointment will be the next level.
To sum up
, We can find lots of advantages or disadvantages to
action. Success is waiting for the kids who can speak to other nations, Especially when they are younger.
On the other hand
, It can be
show examples
destructive and parents should be careful.
Submitted by alikiadaah on

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Coherence & Cohesion
Consider using a wider variety of transition phrases to better connect your ideas and paragraphs.
Task Achievement
Try to include more specific examples to support your arguments about the advantages and disadvantages of learning English in kindergarten.
Coherence & Cohesion
You provided a clear introduction and conclusion, effectively framing your discussion.
Task Achievement
You've addressed both sides of the argument, which is essential for a balanced discussion.
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