In some countries many parents are interested in home schooling and the trend is gaining popularity. Do the advantages of this outweigh disadvantages?

It has been observed recently that guardians prefer to educate their offspring at home rather than in educational institutions. From my perspective, I believe that it has some advantages in developing intellectual development and
certain drawbacks which will be mentioned in the following paragraphs. It is an undeniable fact that homeschooling can be beneficial in enhancing a child's intellectual development. Tutors cannot pay attention specifically to a child
due to
the fact of dozen number of students in a classroom. In
case, parents can spend a considerable amount of time and effort comprehensively on a kid's difficulties.
, a kid schooled at an apartment may receive adequate care,
at school they may be disregarded or neglected.
, it is highly probable that a youngster nurtured at home will surpass juveniles raised in educational institutions in terms of their knowledge accomplishment.
On the other hand
, the main reason offspring will fall behind in attaining essential skills that they learn at an academic level. When offspring are under the guidance of parents, they lack prominent information as the mentors are veterans in their respective fields. So, With their experience and highest qualification, they impart the basics to the nippers.
, they cannot do the practical work at residence, it should be done in a controlled environment which impacts not keeping pace with their counterparts.
, juveniles may become unsocial
due to
a lack of interaction at
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.They will not be able to learn the values of relationships like brotherhood, cooperation and a sense of duty which they are deprived of by their peers at school. In a nutshell, learning in academics and at home has its own advantages and disadvantages for offspring.
homeschooling programs can benefit children in acquiring special care and attention, academics is considered the best to outshine in relationship values and practical works.
Submitted by athulyaraj0011 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Tailored learning experiences
  • Academic performance
  • Flexible schedules
  • Educational activities
  • Safe learning environment
  • Bullying
  • Peer pressure
  • Strengthened family bonds
  • Active role
  • Socialization
  • Teamwork
  • Group dynamics
  • Expertise
  • Financial burden
  • Standardized tests
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