A glance at the two pie charts delineates information about the commensurability of diverse pastime activities among adults in Europe in 1985 and a decade later.
, it can be perceived that watching TV played the most dominant role in recreation for both years. Linking Words
In addition
, not only the activities in 1985 but Linking Words
new technological hobbies influenced European people's lifestyle during the chronological framework until 1995.
Preferring watching TV with the highest quotas of all these amusements, 32%, among the sympathizers in 1985, eating out was dedicated to the second position with a reasonable proportion of 23 per cent. Linking Words
was followed by talking with friends and family activities based on 21% and 18%, respectively.
In the other year, meanwhile, there is a similar scenario for watching television by the staggering percentage of 30. Playing computer games achieved significant popularity among males and females in Europe by 27%. Tertiary, Linking Words
, was allocated to talking with friends, representing 26%. Talking with the family has a nosedived portion with respect to 1985 to somewhere in the vicinity of 7%, after the rank of eating out by 8% among the citizens who enjoyed lower Linking Words
item over the period, too.
It is noteworthy that some other favourite entertainments were performed by the people in both years, outnumbering 6% in 1985 to a negligible amount of 2% in the other year.Linking Words