The values that we learn from our parents and family have greater influence on our future success than knowledge and skills we learn at school. To what extent do you agree or disagree? agree = most time, raised disagree= friends influence,

Many factors affect people's traits;
, there are two main
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environments that mostly influence humans' personalities which are family and school. In
report, I will go through both of them and illustrate how each one affects the personality, and
allow me
to conclude
my position.
To begin
with, family is encouraging, helpful, beneficial, and effective;
as a consequence
, many people say that it is the main reason for being successful. For
explanation, many workers, scientists, players, and businessmen
as Elon, Bill, Messi, and Newton admit that their achievements are
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the results
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of their parents', siblings', and relatives' encouragement.
that, many people post on social media that they feel motivated when their parents support them;
as a result
, they become productive, confident, and excited.
, a lot of reports show that the family's motivation is the most important factor
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, and there is no great person without a great family.
the points mentioned above are influencing, there are reverse points that hold equal influence. To illustrate that, schools are influencing, helpful, beneficial, and
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For example
, many teachers acknowledge that they do their best so that students use their talents completely and effectively.
, many institutes provide courses to support gifted learners to be creative, brilliant, and innovative, and learners can not recognize their abilities without their support.
, many learners said that the environment at their homes was not peaceful;
, their teachers helped them to feel relaxed, safe, and restful;
, they believe that they could not achieve
with out
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. In conclusion, even though the family's motivation is important, necessary, and effective, many schools were the most effective factor.
As a result
, I completely disagree with the statement mentioned above.
Submitted by haneenalnetaif on

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Your essay effectively outlines arguments for both viewpoints, providing a balanced discussion.
Coherence & Cohesion
You used a clear introduction and conclusion, which helps the reader understand your position from the beginning and summarizes your argument well at the end.

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I really want to study but I’m too tired.

I wore a warm coat because the weather was cold.

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