Your friend just had a baby. You decided to prepare a present for them. Write a letter and say : 1. Congratulate your friend 2. Ask when would be possible for you to visit 3. Ask what present they would like.

Dear Lelee, Congratulations babe! I can'
believe you have become a mom now. I would say time just flies in
Correct article usage
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blink of an eye. It seems like we are becoming so old now. I remember how much you
Wrong verb form
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to spend time with kids when we were in school. I am sure you must enjoy your motherhood. I am so happy for you my sweetheart. What's your plan
Change preposition
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weekend? I can'
tell you how much I am excited to meet your little one.
Add a comma
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I wanna check how fluffy you are now after being a mumma. I am
Correct your spelling
sure you must put
Change preposition
on a
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lot of weight. I can'
imagine you in a fatty stature. I am sure just like you, your baby loves gifts. And I am eagerly waiting to empty my pockets to give
Correct article usage
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something precious to your little one. As you know me, I am always confused
Change preposition
about what
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to buy and here, it's
Correct article usage
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case of
Add an article
the baby
a baby
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so there is no chance that I can think
Change preposition
of anything
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Change preposition
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my own. So please tell me what your kid likes the most
Change the punctuation
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A toy, clothes or something else. I
wanna a
Remove the extra word
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buy something
that is
unique and amazing for him. Can'
wait to meet you. See you soon.
Submitted by margijoshi19 on

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Tone & Sensitivity
Try to maintain a respectful and appropriate tone when addressing weight or physical changes in someone, as these topics can be sensitive.
Content & Approach
Be mindful of how jokes or comments might be perceived in written form, especially concerning personal topics.
Specificity in Questions
Consider asking directly about the baby's needs or preferences to show genuine interest and attentiveness.
Positive Opening
You successfully congratulated your friend and expressed your excitement and happiness for them, which is a positive and engaging way to start the letter.
Directly Addressing Tasks
You clearly and effectively asked about a good time for a visit and for gift preferences, which directly addresses the tasks.
Logical Structure
The letter is organized in a logical manner with distinct paragraphs for each task, showcasing good coherence and structure.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • heartfelt congratulations
  • bundle of joy
  • adjustment period
  • suitable time
  • cherished gift
  • newfound responsibilities
  • practical assistance
  • joyous occasion
  • unwavering support
  • looking forward
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