Some people feel that the government should regulate the level of violence in films on television and at the cinema. Others feel that violent films should not be regulated. Discuss both views and give your opinion

modern era, the increasing trend of including violent scenes in
, both on television and in cinemas, has sparked a debate regarding whether the government should intervene to regulate
matter. It's evident that there are differing opinions on
issue, with valid points on both sides. Let's delve into these perspectives and
offer my own view. On one hand, proponents of regulation often argue based on concerns about the potential harm these violent portrayals may inflict, particularly on children. It's widely acknowledged that children, in their formative years, are highly susceptible to negative influences. Exposure to violent content at
a young age can impede their mental development and may even contribute to future antisocial
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, some argue that violent depictions in
can incite social and political unrest.
For instance
, there have been instances where movies have sparked protests or civil disobedience, leading to significant challenges for governments in managing and resolving these issues.
On the other hand
, opponents of regulation emphasize the importance of entertainment and artistic freedom. They argue that certain genres,
as action or science fiction, rely on thrilling and intense scenes to captivate audiences. Without these elements, the appeal of
diminishes significantly.
, imposing restrictions on violence in
could stifle creativity among filmmakers. Directors often use violent scenes to convey emotions, character traits, and plot developments effectively. Limiting these artistic choices could result in less engaging and impactful cinematic experiences. In conclusion,
it's undeniable that violence in
can have negative effects on individuals and society as a whole, I lean towards the perspective that strict regulation may undermine the artistic integrity and entertainment value of the cinematic industry.
, I believe that a balanced approach, perhaps through age-appropriate ratings and parental guidance, can better address the concerns
still preserving creative freedom and audience engagement.
Submitted by alicema0503 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • regulation
  • vulnerable groups
  • age restrictions
  • censorship
  • real-life aggression
  • healthier society
  • creative freedom
  • free speech
  • artistic vision
  • cultural narratives
  • personal responsibility
  • viewing choices
  • balanced approach
  • rating systems
  • parental guidance
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