in the future nobody will buy printed nespapers or books because they will be able to read everything they want online without paying. to what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement.

Technology has emerged as a cornerstone of the change in daily habits,
as reading. Some predictions about the future involve that online reading without paying will eliminate sales of printed
essay vehemently supports
assertion in terms of its easy-to-use traits and impacts on the environment.
To begin
with, the first reason why online
are preferred more arises from their convenience. Online reading saves individuals from carrying lots of
thanks to the limitless capacity of containment.
For instance
, an app which is called “Easy2Read” makes people’s reading experiences better by offering thousands of
around the globe with the feature of accessing anytime and anywhere.
In addition
, reading online on a technological device is cheaper than buying publications.
, paper-based reading is getting less and less captivating.
, when we compare the potential effects of online and physical publications on the environment, online reading outraces because its disadvantages are very low.
, paper-based
are made from trees and water.
, scarce natural resources are spent massively for producing printed publications.
, the possibility of deforestation increases, especially in places that include paper production plantations. It can easily said that
due to
the harmful and not nature-friendly characteristics of printings, online reading will be chosen more.
To sum up
, the claim that traditional reading habits will be over thanks to the advancement of electronic reading technologies that are not hard to use and harm to the world will be proved in the future.
Submitted by smd1212 on

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coherence cohesion
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task achievement
You provided relevant examples, such as the 'Easy2Read' app, which illustrate your points effectively.

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • digital platforms
  • tactile experience
  • collectability
  • digital divide
  • economic factors
  • digital fatigue
  • business models
  • paywalls
  • environmental considerations
  • energy consumption
  • hybrid model
  • diverse consumer preferences
  • dominate
  • enduring appeal
  • accessibility
  • exclusive content
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