You saw an advert in the newspaper asking for volunteers to help run a charity event. Write a letter of application to the organizers. In your letter: -explain why you are interested in helping -Give details suitable past experience -suggest ways you might help with the event.

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing a letter to
Correct your spelling
you that I am
Correct your spelling
in volunteering at your
. Please add my name
Change preposition
show examples
the participation list. Yesterday only, I saw your advertisement in the newspaper and I got excited as I am very much passionate towards the community
Fix the agreement mistake
show examples
. It has been running in my family and we often participate in
events. When I shared about
programme with my parents, they were happy to hear it and they immediately allowed me to participate. In the past, I have participated in many events. During my summer vacation, I used to volunteer in a school. I volunteered as a teacher there. I used to teach a language to children of different
Correct your spelling
age groups
show examples
and I used to enjoy it very much. It was fun to socialise with them. I would like to provide a helping hand in the charity
as well. I would like to work as a team leader to ensure that everything
Change the verb form
show examples
smoothly. I can
look after the charity accounts. I will share about the
on social media platforms, So that others can
Correct your spelling
. I hope you will find me
Correct your spelling
well. We will meet soon
Change preposition
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. Yours Sincerely, Kulbeer
Submitted by jatinderpanaich328 on

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task achievement
You have responded to all parts of the task, but some parts could be expanded for a fuller response. Try to give more specific examples and details.
task achievement
There are a few minor spelling and grammatical errors, such as 'infrom,' 'oppurtunity,' and 'intersting.' Make sure to proofread your work carefully.
coherence cohesion
Each paragraph generally covers one idea, but some ideas are not fully developed. Make sure each paragraph develops a single main idea more fully.
coherence cohesion
Ensure that each paragraph logically follows from the previous one. Some transitions between ideas could be smoother.
coherence cohesion
Your letter has a clear structure and follows a logical order overall.
task achievement
Your tone is suitable for the context of a formal letter, which is important for this task.
coherence cohesion
Your greeting and closing are appropriately formal and polite.

Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately

Linking words are very important in your essay.

To score effectively on your IELTS exam, you should make an effort to implement short concise sentences coupled with linking words.

Almost every sentence in your essay should have a linking word of some sort.

In fact, the only sentences that can omit linking words are your background sentence and thesis.

Linking word examples:

  • firstly
  • secondly
  • thirdly
  • in additional
  • moreover
  • also
  • for example
  • for instance
  • therefore
  • however
  • although
  • even though
  • despite

Discover more tips in The Ultimate Guide to Get a Target Band Score of 7+ »— a book that's free for 🚀 Premium users.

Topic Vocabulary:
  • applicant
  • volunteer
  • enthusiasm
  • charity event
  • community
  • experience
  • organize
  • coordinator
  • logistics
  • promotions
  • skills
  • teamwork
  • responsibility
  • dedication
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