Some people think visual images(like photographs and videos) can tell information more accurately in a news story. Others think they are not reliable sources. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

According to
some, news stories can depict facts correctly by showcasing photographs and clips,
the other half believes that it is not trustworthy. With the increased popularity of social
and new AI technologies which can alter any picture, it's quite difficult to differentiate real vs fake visual stories.
, I believe visual proofs cannot be considered reliable nowadays.
, I will analyze both these viewpoints and provide my reasoning for
an opinion.
To begin
with, humans tend to believe what they see
due to
their natural instincts.
, in the past centuries, when people read printed
of popular leaders or incidents and the story behind them, they thought it was real
due to
their inborn DNA characteristics.
, as a reader, it is quite easy to follow the written article by seeing the photo clicks and
they can fathom what has occurred.
For instance
, in many countries, during independence printed
played a key role because the country's citizens trusted newspaper articles as they saw their leaders fighting against foreign forces and
it motivated them for a common cause. Back
was driven by reliability and reputation.
, in
decade, as the
moved towards profit profit-making motto, a lot of fake stories started circulating. Many news channels, without obtaining the right data, just to get viewership try to misrepresent the news by adding irrelevant
and videos.
click baits
Correct your spelling
are a recent trend in
industry to get viewership in social
, where they show
of famous places & celebrities,
the articles would be opposite to the
altering of facts took a rapid pace with the recent artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms, which can generate a new photo or even create a morphed video of an incident.
As a result
, when common people view
, they will be completely misguided by the information. So
to conclude
, in my opinion, gone are the days when we could trust visual
representations in the article. Nowadays,
due to
increased profit mindset and usage of technologies by publishers, article's reliability has taken a nosedive and
cannot be trusted.
Submitted by nusramkumar on

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task achievement
While the essay presents a well-structured argument, the introduction can be improved for clarity. Consider starting with a clearer indication of your own stance, for example: 'In today's digital age, the reliability of visual images as sources of news is a subject of debate. While some argue that images and videos provide accurate information, others claim that they are unreliable. I believe...'
coherence cohesion
Ensure that each paragraph seamlessly transitions to the next. For instance, use phrases like 'On one hand,...' and 'On the other hand,...' to better guide the reader through your main points.
coherence cohesion
Increase the use of specific and varied vocabulary to improve the impact of your argument. For example, instead of 'profit-making motto', consider 'commercially-driven intentions'.
coherence cohesion
The essay is well-structured with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
task achievement
You have provided relevant examples and reasoning to support both viewpoints, particularly the historical context of printed media during independence.
task achievement
Your conclusion effectively summarizes the main points and clearly reiterates your stance on the topic.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • visual images
  • photographs and videos
  • convey emotions
  • context
  • details
  • misinterpreted
  • evidence
  • visual confirmation
  • authenticity
  • transcend language barriers
  • global audience
  • international news reporting
  • manipulated
  • edited
  • mislead
  • unreliable sources
  • advanced technology
  • alter images
  • lack context
  • out of context
  • misinterpretation
  • skewed understanding
  • sensationalism
  • dramatic visuals
  • visually engaging
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