It is said that travel broadens the mind. What can we learn by travelling to other countries? Should we first explore our own countries? What do you think?

In the modern era, everybody has
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to visit foreign countries that help them to broaden their horizon.
, there are certain things that can be learnt by travelling to other nations.
, I think individuals should give more preference to explore their own countries. In
essay, I will discuss both statements in the upcoming paragraphs with my own viewpoints.
To begin
with, by visiting other countries, one can learn about the culture and traditions of that nation.
For instance
, when a person goes to other places, he gets a chance to meet new people and learn about their culture like what they wear
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and what they eat?
as well as
about their history by visiting their historical places.
As a result
, it not only helps them to enhance their knowledge about others by exploring things but
increases their chances of employment in future.
, the first priority should be their own
For example
, some people do not know about their
's biggest tourist attractions owing to
, they should check that
they should decide whether they intend to visit another
or not as it can be less expensive to explore own land compared to others.
In addition
, money can be saved to travel to more places because if they choose to go to other residents
they have to pay for plane tickets.
, visiting own
has more benefits than another one. In conclusion,
there are certain positive things about being to other nations, exploring your own nation can be a great option to consider. In my perspective, I would say, citizens should first visit their own
to attain depth knowledge of history and tradition.
Submitted by simranjot0002 on

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While specific examples are provided, they could be more detailed. Try to give concrete examples and elaborate on them more comprehensively to strengthen your arguments.
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