A museum near your home is looking for people to do part-time voluntary/unpaid work. You would like to do some voluntary/unpaid work at the museum. Write a letter to the museum director to apply for the voluntary/unpaid work in your letter. Explain why you want to do voluntary/unpaid work a the museum Describe some skills and qualities you have that would be useful Give details of when you would be available for work

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing regarding
Remove the preposition
show examples
the volunteer unpaid opportunity at the museum. Recently I migrated here and I am looking for part-time work
for improving
Change preposition
to improve
show examples
my English speaking
Fix the agreement mistake
show examples
Wrong verb form
show examples
Change preposition
show examples
Add an article
a new
the new
show examples
culture. I have graduated in history in my country and I have good knowledge about historical events in the world, like one and two worldwide wars. And
I had a travel to Egypt
year and I visited their historical places and museums. Based on
Correct article usage
the information
show examples
and details
Correct pronoun usage
show examples
provided in
Add an article
an advertisement
the advertisement
show examples
about the time, I am available
Change preposition
show examples
next week from 20th May, Saturday, until the time that you need a volunteer
for doing
Change preposition
to do
show examples
Correct article usage
the works
show examples
Fix the agreement mistake
show examples
. I really appreciate
Change preposition
show examples
opportunity and I
am look
Change the verb form
am looking
show examples
forward to receiving your response. Kind regards, Master Delavari
Submitted by tahani.nr on

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Coherence and Cohesion
Enhance the logical flow by dividing the main points into separate paragraphs. For example, one paragraph could focus on your interest and motivation, another on your relevant skills, and another on your availability.
Task Achievement
Avoid minor language mistakes for a clearer and more professional letter. For example, instead of 'based on information and details that provided in advertisement', you can say, 'based on the information and details provided in the advertisement.'
Task Achievement
The letter covers all the necessary points: your interest in the position, your relevant skills, and your availability.
Coherence and Cohesion
The tone of the letter is appropriate and respectful.

Use a variety of complex and simple sentences

You should use complex sentences in your writing, but it does not mean that you should try to make all of our sentences complex.

‘Complex’ sentences are not actually very complex; they are just two or more simple sentences put together. Putting them together makes the essay more coherent and cohesive.


I really want to study but I’m too tired.

I wore a warm coat because the weather was cold.

If action is not taken soon on climate change, global warming will get worse.

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Enthusiastic
  • Volunteer
  • Part-time
  • Unpaid work
  • Museum director
  • Skills and qualities
  • Customer service
  • Organization
  • Team player
  • Flexible
  • Reliable
  • Positive attitude
  • Availability
  • Professional goals
  • Community contribution
  • References
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