You work for a small company. You need to arrange for some time off work. Write a letter to your employer. In your letter: > explain why you want to take time off work > give details of how long you will be away > suggest how you will make up for the lost time ​Write at least 150 words.

Dear Sir or Madam, I am Sarah,
Correct article usage
a Senior
show examples
Software Engineer. I am writing
letter to discuss my leave plans in August 2023. I am planning to go on a vacation in August. I am going to Scotland and planning to visit a few castles and spend a couple of days
Change preposition
show examples
In addition
to that, I have booked a seminar on Front End Technology to enhance my knowledge during the time of vacation. I decided to start my vacation on
Correct article usage
the 1st
show examples
of August and come back on
Correct article usage
the 10th
show examples
of August. But because of my seminar, I need to extend my holiday up to
Correct article usage
the 15th
show examples
of August. I would be delighted if you approved my holiday request.
, I will make up the lost time by spending an extra hour
Change preposition
show examples
work from the start of July till the end of that month.
In addition
to that, I have asked Jams who is Senior Backend Engineer to take care of my team
I am away. Please let me know If I have to
Verb problem
show examples
any additional arrangements or
Correct word choice
if any
show examples
information is required. Yours truthfully, Sarah.
Submitted by r.harip3 on

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Writing9 with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Please double-check the names mentioned in the letter to ensure they are accurate. It seems there might be a small typo with 'Jams' instead of 'James'.
The sentence, 'Please let me know If I have to do any additional arrangements or any information is required,' could be more succinct. Consider rephrasing to 'Please let me know if any additional arrangements are needed or if you require further information.'
task achievement
The letter clearly explains the reason for taking time off and provides specific details about the duration, making it comprehensive and understandable.
coherence cohesion
There is a logical structure in the letter, with each paragraph addressing a specific point (reason for leave, duration, and how to make up for lost time).
task achievement
The tone of the letter is polite and professional, which is suitable for a formal request to an employer.

Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately

Linking words are very important in your essay.

To score effectively on your IELTS exam, you should make an effort to implement short concise sentences coupled with linking words.

Almost every sentence in your essay should have a linking word of some sort.

In fact, the only sentences that can omit linking words are your background sentence and thesis.

Linking word examples:

  • firstly
  • secondly
  • thirdly
  • in additional
  • moreover
  • also
  • for example
  • for instance
  • therefore
  • however
  • although
  • even though
  • despite

Discover more tips in The Ultimate Guide to Get a Target Band Score of 7+ »— a book that's free for 🚀 Premium users.

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