You recently organized an all-day meeting for your company, which took place in a local hotel. In their feedback, participants at the meeting said that they liked the hotel, but they were unhappy about the food that was served for lunch. Write a letter to the manager of the hotel. In the letter • Say what the participants liked about the hotel • Explain why they were unhappy about the food • Suggest what the manger should do to improve the food in future

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing in connection with the all-day educational meeting that was held on 21 September in your hotel. I am Mahshid Kargar and I was the manager of that event.
According to
feedback I acquired via questionnaire, participants who attended the meeting said “
they had a positive opinion about the hotel, the food that was served for lunch was not suitable.” They had complaints about the variety, taste and quality of the foods. To explain more, in the beginning,
we had ordered 5 dishes for dinner, they were prepared 3 by staff. To make matters worse, one of our participants was vegetarian. Despite ordering one dish merely,
option was not considered.
, I suggest that your daily menu improve. Some different dishes can be added to
considered some expectations.
For example
, you can add Persian dishes or seafood to your collection.
, you should consider vegetarians and the elderly on the menu. I hope you take my modest proposal into consideration. Yours faithfully, Mahshid Kargar
Submitted by kargar.mh1992 on

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task achievement
Ensure all points in the task are covered comprehensively. For example, provide specific feedback or examples from participants about the food quality.
coherence cohesion
Keep paragraphs distinct and focused on individual points for better clarity and flow.
coherence cohesion
The closing remarks are well-phrased and polite, which adds a professional touch.
task achievement
The letter maintains a respectful and professional tone throughout, which is suitable for this type of correspondence.

Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately

Linking words are very important in your essay.

To score effectively on your IELTS exam, you should make an effort to implement short concise sentences coupled with linking words.

Almost every sentence in your essay should have a linking word of some sort.

In fact, the only sentences that can omit linking words are your background sentence and thesis.

Linking word examples:

  • firstly
  • secondly
  • thirdly
  • in additional
  • moreover
  • also
  • for example
  • for instance
  • therefore
  • however
  • although
  • even though
  • despite

Discover more tips in The Ultimate Guide to Get a Target Band Score of 7+ »— a book that's free for 🚀 Premium users.

Topic Vocabulary:
  • ambiance
  • conference rooms
  • audio-visual equipment
  • stale
  • lacking in variety
  • dietary restrictions
  • dietary preferences
  • survey
  • guest preferences
  • dietary requirements
  • hiring a new catering service
  • specialized chef
  • corporate event catering
  • diverse menu
  • vegetarian
  • vegan
  • gluten-free
  • specialty diets
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