You have just spent a week with a friend on holiday. When you got home, you realized you had left your wallet there. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter • Thank your friend for the holiday • Explain that you left your wallet in their house • Give them instructions on how to send it back to you

Dear Sara, How have you been? I really miss the wonderful time we had together in Tehran. It was a wonderful experience for me. I am interested in those
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Correct article usage
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Central Park and the national library that we visited together. My memory rekindles these pleasant diaries on a regular basis. Thanks a million for all of these moments you made. Unfortunately, I left my wallet in your home. My wallet was made
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of brown
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leather and it has a navy blue strap which is made of cotton. It has 3 silver bottoms and some
hand sewn
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flowers. As I remember, when I was preparing for the airport I missed it on the table in your room. By chance, my grandpa is coming to Tehran next week between 21 September and 25 September. I’d suggest that you give my wallet to him if you can. Thanks a million in advance. I’ll think of a way to repay your kindness in future. Best, Mahshid
Submitted by kargar.mh1992 on

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task achievement
Try to make the description of the wallet more concise, as the details could be overwhelming.
coherence cohesion
Consider breaking long sentences into shorter ones to improve readability.
greeting and closing
Clear and appropriate greeting and closing that fit the context.
logical structure
Clear logical structure with each point addressed in its own paragraph.
suitable writing tone
The writing tone is suitable and friendly, fitting for a letter to a friend.

The Closing

The style of the letter determine how you have to close it.

Check out the suggested closing sentences for each type of letter in the General IELTS Test. The closing sentence should be the last sentence of your letter.

Formal style (To someone you have not met, whose name you don’t know)

  • Yours faithfully,

Semi-formal (To someone you may or may not have met, whose last name you know)

  • Yours sincerely,

Informal (To someone you know well, whose first name you know and use)

  • Best regards,
  • Warm wishes,

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