the charts show information about the percentage of men and women age 60-64 who were eployed in four countries in 1970 ad 2000

the charts show information about the percentage of men and women age 60-64 who were eployed in four countries in 1970 ad 2000
The given chart illustrates data about employed males and females aged 60-64 in four places from 1970 to 2000.
it is clear that
, in both depictions, men outperformed women in the USA, Belgium, Japan and Indonesia, during that period of time, as they had more employees than girls.
, Indonesia and America demonstrated a higher result than others in both years.
, in 1970, the top-ranked countries with workers were America and Indonesia, as they showed approximately an equal result of 95%, meanwhile, the two had the same number as each other at 75%. The area which had more females was the USA in comparison with others.
, in 2000, all
Correct determiner usage
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four countries had a noticeable reduction in the number of women, especially Belgium had a significant fall because it went down from 60% to 9%.
, it is obvious that all categories had decreased in males and females.
Submitted by aizered097 on

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Basic structure: Change the third paragraph.
Vocabulary: Use several vocabularies to present the data in the second paragraph.
Vocabulary: Use several vocabularies to present the data in the third paragraph.
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