You recently attended a training course for your work. Your employer has asked you for your feedback on the training course. Write a letter to your employer. In your letter remind your employer what the course was about explain why the course was useful to you in your work suggest why the course may not be suitable for some of your other colleagues

Dear Mr. David, I am writing
letter to answer your requirement regarding giving feedback on the course that I attended
course covered the latest updates of accounting regulations and taxation law in Canada. There were two professors in
course. One of them talked about how large capitalization companies would be affected by the change in accounting standards.
, another tutor analyzed what effect the new taxation law would bring on every single individual. As our firm's business includes preparing financial reports and making taxation plans for organizations and individuals, I realize that the training is extremely useful for our daily work. Especially for me, I am able to provide financial advice to my clients
according to
the updates, which can showcase my professionalism.
, I find that
training session is not suitable for all staff in our firm since the content involves a huge amount of advanced accounting and finance knowledge. Added to that, work experience will be incredibly helpful in understanding the real cases which were talked about in the classes. Some of my teammates who are recent graduates unable to participate in
training. If you would like to discuss
, I would like to come to your office when you are free. I hope my feedback is useful for you. Yours sincerely, Bella Liu
Submitted by strawberry.guan on

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task achievement
The response effectively addresses all parts of the task. However, consider mentioning a specific example or experience from the course to strengthen the explanation of its usefulness.
coherence cohesion
Ensure that each paragraph transitions smoothly to the next. While the structure is logical, transitional phrases can improve the flow further.
coherence cohesion
The letter is well-organized with clear paragraphs separating each idea.
task achievement
The tone of the letter is professional and appropriate for workplace communication.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Training program
  • Skill enhancement
  • Job responsibilities
  • Practical exercises
  • Hands-on experience
  • Operational efficiency
  • Subject matter
  • Prerequisites
  • Specialized knowledge
  • Teaching methodology
  • Learning preferences
  • Feedback
  • Course facilitator
  • Professional development
  • Engagement
  • Interactive components
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