In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books because they will be able to read everything they want online without paying. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Some claim that over time printed newspapers will fall out of favour since reading materials will be accessible with a click on the phone without paying any charge. I disagree with
statement because many readers still prefer to connect physically with the books and not all materials can be uploaded
as a result
of copyright piracy.
, those who advocate for the disappearance of conventional publications argue that now that the internet provides users with unlimited access to all sources of information, there is no need to travel long distances to buy a piece of work.
reasoning is not sound, as there are volumes that could be either copyrighted or restricted to certain countries, so readers are left with two options: either buy them in person or accept missing out on them.
For instance
, Chinese media users are not empowered to download foreign applications
due to
political pressure,
having to visit nearby libraries to look for their wanted novels.
, I believe that the deterioration of paper-based print will not happen for the aforementioned reason.
, there are individuals who enjoy physical interactions with tangible materials for two reasons. One possible argument is that
an online reader often encounters physical disturbances
as eyestrain and headaches, buyers can directly touch every page and inhale the fresh smell of papers, which boosts attention span and accelerates the acquisition of knowledge.
, several enthusiasts express gratitude for old print
that is
associated with historical mementoes and possessing them instils a sense of belonging and nostalgia that are often overlooked with the ease of a wide network. A clear example can be seen in the trend of collecting old magazines among Vietnamese teenagers who appreciate the condition and the rarity of those articles. In conclusion, I strongly disagree with the statement that people will no longer pay for printed media and books.
, it is flawed to claim that the public can read everything on the internet for free.
Submitted by banhbao0565 on

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task achievement
Excellent task response. The essay addresses the prompt comprehensively and provides a clear stance, with strong arguments against the notion that printed materials will become obsolete.
task achievement
Ensure that all main points are equally supported with relevant examples. The essay could include a bit more detail and examples to further strengthen each argument.
coherence cohesion
Logical structure is strong, with a well-defined introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. However, make transitions between ideas a bit smoother to enhance the overall flow.
introduction conclusion present
The essay effectively introduces the topic and provides a clear thesis statement that outlines the writer's stance.
introduction conclusion present
The conclusion restates the main idea with strong support, effectively reinforcing the argument presented in the essay.
relevant specific examples
The essay includes relevant and specific examples that strengthen the arguments, making the points more convincing.
logical structure
The coherence and cohesion of the essay are well-maintained, making it easy for the reader to follow the arguments presented.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • accessibility
  • convenience
  • cost-effective
  • cultural value
  • sentimental value
  • reliability
  • distracting
  • access to
  • digital devices
  • internet
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