In some cultures, children are often told that they can achieve anything if they try hard enough. what are the advantages and disadvantages of givivng children this massage?

It is widely believed that with adequate effort attaining everything is possible. In some countries,
, telling
to youngsters has become more often. there are both merits and demerits to
matter. The advantages of putting the aforementioned idea in pupils' minds are seen by some to be significant. One obvious advantage could be that the young would benefit spiritually in that they might be motivated to step on their desired road do their best to reach their goals and not surrender in the middle of the road. A good case in point is a young boy who has become famous for his performance as a football player
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early age cheered up by his father. there might be a
characteristically advantage to exposing
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benefits to young ones, owing to the fact that
could make the young more confident in every aspect of life and not be overwhelmed in facing difficulties.
In other words
, they might rely more on their abilities to get through any challenges in the path of their purpose. It is not the whole story. There might,
, be possible disadvantages to telling children how prolific might be the dedication for whatever they want. Considering behavioural misconduct, a group of pupils may stray from their main path and put their effort into accomplishing
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evil means. An example to illustrate
is a young boy that an article has written about on the Internet who was encouraged by his older fellows to hack 1.300 individuals' bank accounts. There seems
to be
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disadvantage to being told hard work contributes to desirable outcomes as the result of any attempt depends on many factors.
, if anything goes wrong and they do not reach their goals, they might be devastated which may bring about long-life depression.
To conclude
, the truth is that telling children to work hard in order to achieve their purposes could be prolific spiritually and characteristically with the consideration of its negative mental effects which could be minimised by constant monitoring to indistinct from possible harms.
Submitted by h.safaralizade on

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The introduction and conclusion are clearly present and well-structured.
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Relevant and specific examples are provided to support main points, like the example of a young football player and the story of the boy encouraged to hack accounts.

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