Many museums charge for admission while others are free. Do you think the advantages of charging people for admission outweighthe diadvantages ?

have an important role in our society. A group of
charges an admission fee,
others are completely free.
reason, the public is divided into two groups who agree with paying to enter
institution and disagree with that. I believe the merits of
outweigh the demerits.
To begin
with, the main reason that many are in support of charging money is that it maintains the quality and security of the building and its exhibitions.
, with charging, they can afford to buy more and more famous and rare exhibits
as old paintings, skulls of old creatures and scarce things. Because of
, they become extremely interesting and attract people, even children. In contrast, some people, especially students may avoid spending extra expenses for what they can see for free online. Indeed, with the power of the internet, everybody can go virtually to the most famous places like Louvre Museum, Vatican Museum and other
In addition
, it may influence the populations of young individuals who can’t bear the expense of visiting
kind of institution.
, owners and administrators of these try to create convenience by offering some discounts for students. It can encourage them to visit there and make them feel superior somehow. To put it in a nutshell, paying fees when looking in on the
is totally more beneficial than downsides, as it will aid the owners to keep
place in good condition, enrich it with the
most rare
Change the adjective
show examples
exhibits and entice the public’s attention.
Submitted by nazirovmuhammad71 on

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task achievement
Try to develop and expand your arguments further. For example, discuss specific examples of museums that have benefited from admission fees.
coherence cohesion
Ensure that each paragraph contains a clear topic sentence to improve the logical flow.
Work on refining your vocabulary and sentence structures for more variety and precision.
task achievement
Your introduction clearly outlines the topic and presents a clear opinion.
task achievement
You have provided a balanced view by considering both advantages and disadvantages.
coherence cohesion
The essay includes a logical sequence of ideas that is easy to follow.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • admission fee
  • operational costs
  • funding new exhibits
  • visitor experience
  • accessibility
  • inclusivity
  • educational impact
  • cultural preservation
  • tiered pricing system
  • revenue generation
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