Nowadays, more and more people decide to have children later in their life. What are the reasons? Do advantages of this outweigh disadvantages?

In contemporary society, an increasing number of individuals having children later in life has sparked a degree of controversy among the public.
essay aims to examine several factors contributing to
trend and evaluate its benefits and drawbacks. There are a number of understandable reasons why young married couples decide to delay parenthood.
due to
intensifying competition in the labour market, many couples prioritize investing time, effort, and finances into their careers. It is evident that delaying childbirth allows couples to dedicate more hours and commitment to their work, leading to higher incomes.
by recognizing the significant responsibility of raising children, some young people delay childbirth.
entails caring for their children, including feeding and educating them, and requires a great deal of perseverance and hard work, thereby discouraging many would-be parents. I believe that
trend brings both advantages and disadvantages. As for the upside, those who postpone parenthood are likely to often have more time to accomplish tasks, whether at work or in their personal lives, contributing to an
sense of happiness. In fact, Studies indicate that individuals who engage in more activities and travel during their youth experience greater happiness than those who do not.
, it is important to acknowledge the potential drawbacks of delaying childbirth. Older women face an increased risk of health complications that can impact both maternal well-being and infant health. Research suggests that advanced maternal age is associated with a higher likelihood of birth defects and neurodevelopmental disorders
as autism. In conclusion, the decision to delay parenthood comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. By carefully weighing these factors, individuals can make informed decisions that align with their personal circumstances.
Submitted by [email protected] on

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task achievement
To further improve, you can include more relevant and specific examples to back up your points. For instance, mentioning specific studies or real-world situations can make your arguments more compelling.
task achievement
Be sure to fully elaborate on both advantages and disadvantages to provide a balanced view. You could explore social implications further, like the impact on society or family dynamics.
coherence cohesion
Your logical structure is strong, but you can make it even better by using more linking phrases to connect ideas within paragraphs.
introduction conclusion present
Your introduction clearly outlines the topic and sets the stage for your discussion, making it easy for the reader to follow your argument.
logical structure
The essay has a well-organized structure with clear main points that are supported by logical reasoning, which enhances readability.
supported main points
You effectively balanced the discussion by acknowledging both the positive and negative aspects of delaying parenthood.
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