In many countries, schools have severe problems with student behaviour. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest?

intractable schoolchildren can be found in most educational settings, the
pupils in many parts of the world has worsened in recent years.
state of affairs can be attributed to several factors and
essay will suggest several viable solutions to remedy the situation. There are two main contributors to the way young people behave at
nowadays. Chief of these is that with modern parents becoming increasingly too busy or permissive,
often find it difficult to accept the demands of teachers or the limits imposed on them by
For example
who are used to negligence or indulgence are likely to show disruptive
in class. Added to
is the fact that
are all too often influenced by the
of celebrities.
can be seen in the way many teenagers think that success can be achieved without finishing
or trying to act, talk or wear the way their idols do. The problem of students misbehaving at
can be addressed in a number of ways. An immediate remedy is for parents to use reasonable punishments to demonstrate that actions have consequences when their
break the rules. These disciplinary techniques could range from depriving them of things that they treasure,
as their favourite toys or TV shows, to
Wrong verb form
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them from seeing their friends.
In addition
, famous people,
as musicians and football players, need to understand the responsibility that they have to act as good role models to
could be done by their managers, who need to make it abundantly clear to celebrities about how much influence they have on their fans. In conclusion, the causes of schools increasingly facing discipline problems are parents' leniency and famous people's
, and the solutions lie in changing parents’ ways of disciplining their
and the participation of high-profile public figures.
Submitted by lenam2k1 on

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