You recently learned that the local council has decided to demolish a particular building in your area. You disagree with this decision and believe the building benefits the community. Write a letter to the local councilor. In your letter •explain what you find valuable about the building. •Suggest what improvements could be made to the building. •Describe how retaining the building could benefit the community as a whole.

Dear Akash, I am writing to raise my concerns over the decision to demolish the Mississauga community library. We have been using
facility for decades and
place has been very a popular attraction for locals
facility was inaugurated in 1950 by our first mayor, Mr Sandeep, and
monument has historical importance too. It is excessively used by students,local people and kids for various purposes including studies and recreational activities. In the notice, the parking issue is mentioned as a main reason for demolition
most of the library visitors are local and it issue notice to locals can solve the parking issue easily. I would like to propose the extension of the current facility rather than demolishing the building and reconstructing a new one with a larger parking space. By retaining
building, we can keep our history intact as
place holds a special value in people's lives. Thanks your considering my suggestions, I am looking forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Sandeep
Submitted by sandeepniet17 on

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task achievement
Consider adding more specific details and examples to strengthen your argument. For instance, mention specific activities or events held at the library that benefit the community.
coherence cohesion
To enhance coherence and cohesion, you could use more transition words or phrases to clearly connect your ideas. This would help in guiding the reader smoothly from one point to the next.
coherence cohesion
Revisiting and correcting some minor grammatical errors and awkward sentences will improve the overall clarity and professionalism of the letter.
suitable writing tone
The tone of the letter is polite and respectful, which is appropriate for addressing a local councilor.
greeting and closing
The greeting and closing are appropriately used, adding to the formal letter structure.
logical structure
The letter is structured in a logical manner, addressing each of the required points: the value of the building, suggestions for improvement, and benefits of retaining it.
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