There is a lot of pressure on young people today to succeed academically. As a result, some people believe that non-academic subjects, such as physical education and cookery, should be removed from the school syllabus so that children can concentrate on academic work. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Students face study stress
due to
an increase in competition. Certain people believe that non-academic
can be excavated from the school syllabus. I argue with the statement. I concur with the prior that education should be holistic and science, maths and law are equally important as art, drama and sports. To commence with, there is no denying that major
as physics, chemistry, biology and maths have played an integral role in the young generation. life These are major pillars of future studies or higher education and good knowledge and understanding of these is beneficial for future jobs.
For instance
, lucrative employment always hires a good student in terms of academic knowledge
as Doctors and engineers are highly paid professions.
On the other hand
, it is invaluable for youngsters to become all-rounded as it is essential for individuals to have a harmonious balance between extracurriculars and academics.
, schools are the first place where a person can learn and acquire different life skills.
, skills like time management, stress handling, and working in a team should be taught.
As a result
, adolescents can work more efficiently in the community.
like art, drama, food making and music should
be delivered at schools. In
way, students will be creative and feel relaxed as it divides the burden of major
. In conclusion,
the academic subject has an evident impact on a person's development in the academic arena.
, like skills are equally important for surviving in society without any stumbling blocks it is better to create a balance.
Submitted by seharfazal9 on

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logical structure
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complete response
Address the opposing viewpoint more thoroughly to create a balanced argument.
relevant specific examples
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introduction conclusion present
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clear comprehensive ideas
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supported main points
Most main points are supported, though some could benefit from more specific examples.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • pressure
  • succeed
  • academically
  • non-academic
  • physical education
  • cookery
  • school syllabus
  • concentrate
  • academic work
  • well-rounded
  • enhancement
  • practical skills
  • balanced education system
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