International travel has many advantages to both travelers and the countries that they visit. Do the advantages of international travel outweigh the disadvantages?

It is common nowadays that international tourism brings various benefits to either the countries or travellers. The writer,
, advocates that the benefits of enhancing the national economy
along with
gaining foreign cultures totally outweigh the disadvantages of environmental concern. When it comes to the host country which organizes the travel systems, there is no doubt that they would earn a substantial amount of money.
That is
to say, the aim of foreigners is to join in numerous activities held by that nation so they have to spend money on those celebrations to participate .
As a consequence
, the more money they spend on
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various activities, the more chance the country has to improve its recreational infrastructure,
attracting more tourists.
is true in Vietnam where tourism is more likely to replace other industrial fields as their sufficient income brings about. Another point that should be taken into consideration is to know more about others’
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. To illustrate
, People often exhibit curiosity about various aspects of life as part of human nature
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In order to satisfy their demand, they have a tendency to travel abroad where the lifestyles or culture are visibly distinguished from their own ones.
, they are able to challenge themselves in a strange location and gain memorable experiences during the trip.
would enrich their cultural understanding, leading to the fact that they will become a cultured individual. Some sceptics,
, contend that the environment will be at significant risk should a large
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of tourists visit one specific place. To be more specific, travellers usually throw rubbish, which is non-degradable as plastic, everywhere when they pay a visit .
would increase the possibility of soil pollution as they are hard to degrade and harmful to the land.
point may be credible, but authorities of those countries have implemented heavy fines for those who have an action of disposing of waste illegally the tourist sites.
policy would act as a deterrence towards rubbish and guarding the beauty of one nation.
To conclude
, the disadvantage of causing concern for the environment is outweighed by boosting national finance and widening the knowledge of one individual.
, the essay would have shown that international tourism will bring a prevalence of benefits and will become an imperative field in the foreseeable future.
Submitted by Nghỉ hè vui vẻ cả nhà on

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task achievement
Your essay generally addresses the topic well and covers both advantages and disadvantages. However, some points could be elaborated further, and clearer examples could be provided. Consider expanding on the specific benefits to the national economy and cultural exchange with more precise details.
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While the essay demonstrates good logical structure, there are occasional issues with sentence clarity and connection between ideas. Ensuring more fluid transitions between points and tightening the narrative may improve coherence. Additionally, careful attention to grammatical construction would enhance readability.
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Your introduction and conclusion are clear and well-structured, providing a neat framework for the essay.
task achievement
Your points are generally supported with relevant details, enhancing the persuasiveness of your arguments.

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