Some people think that all teenagers should be required to do unpaid work in their free time to help the local community. They believe this would benefit both the individual teenager and society as a whole. Do you agree or disagree?

Currently, the proposal that all
should be required to engage in unpaid work during their leisure time to support their local communities has been rising as a compelling case. In my opinion,
suggestion is legitimate for several reasons. From the perspective of young people, voluntary social work can significantly contribute to their personal development.
, engaging in
services helps youngsters develop essential life skills that are not typically taught in a classroom setting.
For example
, working in diverse groups can enhance their teamwork and communication abilities.
, undertaking public jobs can foster a sense of maturity,
as well as
responsibility for adolescents
having to solve all work-related problems by themselves. These growths / enhancements are invaluable and can positively influence their future academic and career pursuits. From a societal perspective,
can bring fresh energy and creative ideas to local initiatives.
For instance
, Gen Z participants in the Sai Gon Xanh project have introduced innovative 3R strategies and created attractive designs to raise environmental awareness via unique logos and slogans posted on social media. Not only does
Correct subject-verb agreement
show examples
their creative thinking but
helps the
organization become more popular.
service can foster empathy and social awareness in
. Working on local projects,
as food banks or environmental clean-ups, helps them understand
challenges, conceiving a sense of civic duty and moulding them into more responsible citizens. In conclusion, I completely agree that all
should participate in unpaid
work whenever they have spare time.
will certainly assist them in acquiring crucial life skills, and will
offer considerable advantages to society.
Submitted by ieltsamiedu on

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coherence cohesion
Your introduction is effective but could be slightly more engaging. Try to include a hook or a thought-provoking statement to capture the reader's attention right from the beginning.
coherence cohesion
To ensure greater cohesion, consider using more connective phrases to further link your ideas and paragraphs together. This will make the essay even more understandable and smooth.
task achievement
To enhance your task response, try addressing potential counterarguments to provide a balanced view. This will demonstrate a thorough understanding of the topic.
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While your examples are relevant and specific, introducing varied examples or case studies could help substantiate your arguments even more effectively.
coherence cohesion
The essay has a clear and logical structure, with each paragraph serving its distinct purpose.
coherence cohesion
Excellent introduction and conclusion that frame the essay well.
coherence cohesion
Main points are well-supported with specific examples, such as the reference to the Sai Gon Xanh project.
task achievement
The essay offers a complete and comprehensive response to the prompt, addressing both individual and societal benefits of unpaid community work.
task achievement
The ideas presented are clear and well-articulated, making the essay easy to follow.
task achievement
Relevant and specific examples are used to illustrate key points, which strengthens the argument.
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