Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advanatges of this outweigh the disadvanatages?

Currently, several authorities consider that children should commence learning an alien
at primary schools in lieu of their secondary counterparts. From the writer's perspective, the benefits of early getting better study environments and being culturally aware far outweigh the drawbacks of
To begin
with, approaching a second
at primary schools helps
to enter high-quality education. It must be recognized that if the
have the ability to use 2 languages, especially obtaining particular
certificates, they can gain more study opportunities
as studying overseas. Take China as an example here, where 30% of grade-1
had 75% scholarships to study in the UK's primary schools because they got a band 7.0 in IELTS tests.
, another positive impact of learning an alien
early is fostering cultural awareness and sensitivity from a young age. To be more specific, through many lessons about a foreign
, the
can achieve more useful knowledge
as the differences in the customs and beliefs of others.
As a result
, exploring and educating with different cultures helps individuals to strengthen themselves and acquire more valuable experience.
For instance
, 2700 primary pupils in Indonesia were taught about the industry in the UK which give them various implications about European business.
, some people believe that learning a foreign
at an early age is suffering disorder in
In other words
, because children at the age of 6 to 12 are
in the period of learning their mother tongue fully, individuals easily make mistakes in differing 2 diverse languages.
For example
, in 2020, The New York Times showed that 75% of Vietnamese
who approached English in grade 4 could not speak their first
as well as
fluently. In conclusion, the disadvantage of having a
disorder is outweighed by the advantages of receiving more adequate schooling
along with
enhancing cultural consciousness .
, starting learning a foreign
at secondary school can be more beneficial for children in their educational period.
Submitted by Nghỉ hè vui vẻ cả nhà on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • adaptable
  • receptive
  • cognitive abilities
  • problem-solving
  • critical thinking
  • early exposure
  • pronunciation
  • natural accent
  • cultural awareness
  • sensitivity
  • integrated
  • enriching educational experience
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