Some people believe that giving longer prison sentences is the best way to reduce crime. Others believe that there are better ways to reduce crime. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

The debate over whether longer
sentences effectively reduce crime or if there are more viable alternatives has been a contentious issue. Some argue that extending
terms serves as a deterrent,
others propose superior alternative approaches, including
. In my view, the
method is a more effective means of addressing
complex issue.
To begin
with, proponents of longer
sentences often cite deterrence as a significant factor. They believe that harsher penalties act as a deterrent, dissuading individuals from engaging in criminal activities.
perspective assumes that potential offenders weigh the risk of getting caught against the potential gains from criminal activities. If the perceived risk, including longer
sentences, outweighs the potential benefits, individuals may be less inclined to commit crimes.
, by extending periods of incarceration, they believe that the public safety of their community will be less disturbed by serious illicit circumstances because some useless societal people were arrested by police officers.
, society has fewer lawbreakers available in the streets, which deters the operation of gangster organizations and the formation of some professional criminal plans
due to
the lack of a gang workforce.
On the other hand
, the
-focused approach offers a superior alternative solution.
approach recognizes that crime is often rooted in complex social and psychological factors. By providing inmates with education, vocational training, and psychological support,
programs aim to address the underlying issues that contribute to criminal behaviour.
, these programs equip offenders with the skills and knowledge needed to reintegrate into society as law-abiding citizens. Corollary, many authorities in a wide range of states,
as California in the US, have spoken up about the effectiveness of
in the
To conclude
programs offer a more holistic and long-term solution by addressing the root causes of criminal behaviour. By equipping individuals with the tools to lead productive lives upon release, society can work toward reducing crime rates and fostering the reintegration of offenders into their communities.
Submitted by lenam2k1 on

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Though your essay is well-structured, you could improve coherence and cohesion by using more varied linking phrases and words. This will increase the overall readability and flow of your essay.
introduction conclusion present
The introduction clearly outlines the two sides of the debate and presents your own viewpoint, setting the stage for a comprehensive discussion.
logical structure
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supported main points
The main points are well-supported with logical reasoning and real-world examples, particularly the mention of California's prison system.
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