The table below shows the numbers of visitors to the Ashdown museum during the year before and the year after it was refurbished. The chart show the result of a survey asking visitors how satisfied they are with their visit during the same two periods.

The table below shows the numbers of visitors to the Ashdown museum during the year before and the year after it was refurbished. The chart show the result of a survey asking visitors how satisfied they are with their visit during the same two periods.
The provided table and pie charts illustrate the figures of participants to Ashdown Museum
coupled with
the rate of the
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level of the same categories from the previous year until the following year.
, it can be seen that the number of people who visit and are entertained both see an upward trend
people with no
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remain unchanged. It is
worth mentioning that after 1 year, there is a decrease in the attendance who have bad judgement with the museum. With regards to the given table, the figure for people who participate in
Correct article usage
the museum
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Correct subject-verb agreement
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a moderate increase which is exactly 92000 from 74000 Turning onto the remaining
Correct your spelling
Correct your spelling
, visitors make a good judgement experience a rise to 35% and 40%
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Common mistake: Your writing should be 150-250 words.
Vocabulary: The word "table" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: The word "figures" was used 2 times.
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