Your friend had made a plan for you to see a movie together but you cannot now not join him. You've found another friend who can go instead of you. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter: Explain why you cannot go anymore Say who can go instead of you Say why this person is a good person to go with

Hello John I hope you are doing great. I am writing
letter to express my enormous regret
Remove the comma
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because I can not go to the cinema with you. I know we have big plans and the movie for sure will be great but I broke my leg yesterday so I have to stay at home for a
. I am very sorry but I was in an accident, I fell on my motorcycle. But don't be sad I have a brilliant idea, I spoke with Kate and she wants to go with you. She loves movies. I think you know Kate but if not it will be a great opportunity to know her. She is great, you will see, I am sure you will not regret it. She is very smart and funny and what's more, she loves Star Wars just like you. I think you both are sci-fi geeks. She works as a software developer so you both have a lot in common. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Best wishes
Submitted by dariusz.slusar on

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task achievement
Try to elaborate a bit more on your situation to give your friend more context. For example, you could mention whether you are getting treatment for your broken leg.
coherence cohesion
Consider starting a new paragraph when you introduce Kate as a suitable movie partner to better organize your ideas.
task achievement
The tone of the letter is friendly and appropriate, demonstrating good task achievement.
coherence cohesion
The letter has a clear and logical structure, making it easy to follow.
task achievement
You have successfully addressed all points of the task: explaining why you cannot go, suggesting another person, and describing why they are a good choice.
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