When international media (including movies, fashion shows, advertisements and other TV programs) convey the same messages to the global audience, people argue that the expansion of international media has negative impacts on cultural diversity. What is your opinion?

It is undeniable that
due to
the advantages of technological advancement, international
are easily accessible nowadays unlike in the past.
, some people believe that
development can severely impact cultural identities. In my opinion,
it may bring cultural influences to some extent, it can have positive impacts on our society but
it will not encourage to disappear our own
essay intends to elaborate on how foreign
can influence the
in depth and its consequences.
To begin
with, international channels can offer significant benefits to viewers.
For instance
, individuals can learn about different cultures of other countries, and have an opportunity to adopt the good points of their
In addition
, it lets them broaden their vision and knowledge level, which is critical in today's globalisation era.
On the other hand
, many believe that the
from Western countries can influence their tradition and
which can lead to cultural diversity, a result in which, their cultural identities can end up losing.
For example
, they wear the same outfits and speak the same language
due to
the widespread
, some people are concerned about the extinction of their traditional
and language. From my perspective, their ingrained deep
and tradition will not be affected by the
is because
Fix the agreement mistake
show examples
are as different as they were ever in the past.
For example
, they never address the name to our elders and always communicate with them with respect,
Western people do not mind calling someone by name. In
regard, it is evident that
cannot influence an individual's
To sum up
, it can be reiterated that there are some influences in their daily lives
due to
movies and TV programs from Western countries.
. cultural diversity will not reach the serious stage.
Submitted by ayepwintphyu02 on

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While your conclusion summarizes your main points well, a stronger restatement of your thesis can add more impact. Make sure to clearly reinforce your main arguments.
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