Many people who care for the elderly do not have enough time to look after them. What are the problems related to this? What are some possible solutions?

It is a pressing issue that caring for old
leads to a lack of self-care time for the carer.
author assumes that the main problems are caused by are worsening of work quality and
create stressful conditions. Yet, the solution of becoming flexible in job
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and hiring carers can be applied. A serious problem that affects
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who take care of mature ones is the reduction in standards at work.
In other words
, because of having to spend a large amount of
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looking after others, the concentration and consciousness of the workload are less effective.
, not working in the best condition
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a lack of high-quality production.
As a result
, both carer and elderly
's life condition is degenerated which may negatively impact their health or well-being condition. Another matter that can be caused is increasing in weight. It must be recognised that
less hour
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fewer hours
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to spend
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on superior
's health may lead to alternative well-being for both physicality and mentality.
Due to
the body having to endure pressure with relaxation, it will create stress that terribly influences an individual's behaviour
have their caregiving. Take
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the suburban
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area in Vietnam as an example
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residents here are often responsible for taking care of their parents in extended families
with the shortage of financial background
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almost all of them find that they have face to stress normally.
, the action of rescheduling working hours can be done to tackle these problems. By arranging a timetable
that is
suitable for the daily routine that will be convenient for the carer to superior the old ones and flexible to deal with the workload.
, hiring care service staff is
an advantageous way that professional individuals have qualified abilities to look after others
that is
more guaranteed and safer.
, becoming adaptable to occupation tasks and employing trained carers can help reduce
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the date
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for caregiving long-lived humans and ensure rest time for responsible ones. In conclusion, supervising aged human beings can lead to a lack of self-care for others which causes
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a decline
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in work quality and stress.
, the solution of recruiting experts and creating a suitable schedule can be taken to deal with these issues.
Submitted by [email protected] on

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task achievement
Your essay provides a comprehensive response to the task and covers both problems and solutions. However, your ideas need more clarity and depth in some areas. Try to elaborate on your points with more detailed explanations and relevant examples.
coherence cohesion
While your essay has a logical structure, it can be improved. Ensure that each paragraph has a clear central idea. Use linking words and cohesive devices more effectively to smoothly guide the reader from one idea to another.
coherence cohesion
You have included both the introduction and conclusion effectively, summarizing the problems and solutions well.
task achievement
You have identified two main problems (reduction in work quality and increased stress) and provided solutions (flexible job schedules and hiring carers).
Topic Vocabulary:
  • burnout
  • neglect
  • emotional distress
  • social interaction
  • mental stimulation
  • financial costs
  • community care services
  • respite care
  • telehealth services
  • flexible work arrangements
  • caregiver leave policies
  • support networks
  • emotional support
  • monitoring systems
  • training programs
  • interpersonal strain
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