(QG) Many people who care for the elderly do not have enough time to look after them. What are the problems related to this? What are some possible solutions?

Many individuals are in a dilemma of balancing between spending
on themselves and the elderly.
phenomenon may result from the amount of working
and the effect of the elderly on young
can be resolved by having the public and government take part in improving facilities for the elderly. It should be acknowledged that the main problem leading to
situation is the amount of
that employers require for the work. Nowadays,
suffer from long working hours that they even have no or little
to spend with their family.
, the caring job, especially for the elderly, demands a large number of hours and
have less
for looking after
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old age and lack of attention to them can lead to misunderstanding of their needs and lower both their physical and mental health. Another problem that should be considered is that most
will become aggressive and rude when they get to the age of sixties. Because of the absence of many memory fields and some linking neurons, the elderly have no intention in their actions and they sometimes annoy their supporters suddenly.
According to
research published by VNExpress in 2001, young
were likely to be upset with the bad behaviours of old
and around 50% of these actions were not what the older did
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to express.
, the work of looking after elders is more complicated for supporters and some must-not-have situations can
be occurred
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having rudeness in old
, these problems can be tackled by having community
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for the elderly. By meeting their peers or someone who has undergone a similar situation, they can share their hobbies and stories of their life with others.
As a result
, they feel less lonely and
their relatives who have responsibility for taking care of them have more spare
to take a rest. Many applications of
sort of community service are taken into account and saw a successful result in Vietnam.
To sum up
, balancing work and caring is tough because of the long working
and how aggressively old age
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These can have practices to minimize the effect on the elderly and younger by raising funds for community centres for them.

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Linking words for giving examples:

  • for example
  • for instance
  • to illustrate this
  • to give a clear example
  • such as
  • namely
  • to illustrate
  • take, for example

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