The diagrams below show the life cycle of a species of large fish called the salmon . summerise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevent.

The diagrams below show the life cycle of a species of large fish called the salmon .

summerise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevent.
The given diagrams
Change the verb form
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the life cycle of
from eggs to mature individuals. From an
perspective, there are three main steps in the development of
starting with eggs in an upper river and ending with fully-grown adults. In the first stage,
begin their lives in the slow-moving upper river as eggs, which lie on a riverbed under the protection of small stones and surrounding reeds for about five to six months. Afterwards, they hatch into newborn fish that are three to six centimetres long, and they are called 'fry'. In the next step, the fry follows the fast flow to a lower river, where they stay up to approximately four years until they reach a length of between twelve and fifteen centimetres, and they are known as 'smolt'. In the final stage, the 'smolt' relocates into an open sea and settles down in
new home for about five years. During
time, they develop into adult
, which are seventy to seventy-six centimetres in length. Once they reach that size, they swim upstream rivers back to their birthplace.
, male
mate with female ones to create the next generation, and their life cycle starts again.
Submitted by khoihoangtrong96 on

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Vocabulary: Replace the words salmon with synonyms.
Vocabulary: The word "reach" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: The word "about" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: Use several vocabularies to present the data in the second paragraph.
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