In many cities, planners tend to arrange shops, schools, offices and houses in specific areas and separate them from each other. Do you think the advantages of this policy outweigh the disadvantages?

In recent years, governments from different nations have published the policy regarding amenities rearrangement. Local facilities are put separately
in particular
writer believes that
action might bring more convenience which outweigh the disadvantages.
, relocating shops, schools and offices makes the structure of the complex city more organized.
, it is easier for the inhabitants to navigate their ways. Evidently, Hanoi City has different streets providing specific services and products.
strategy gives more choices for the community.
On the other hand
, it cannot be denied that arranging local amenities has a huge impact on society. It seems to be the common way to enhance the quality of life.
For instance
, mixed supplication in local areas like traditional markets might not satisfy all consumers
due to
low standards. With
innovation, each kind of product has its own field to develop.
As a result
, customers are provided with the best items. On the flip side of the policy, it is vital to understand that it is a long-term solution and non-cost effective.
, in urban areas, many people indicate that higher taxes are required to rebuild the constructions of the origin. Looking at European countries as a typical example, the citizens pay nearly 40 per cent for excise.
, local residents have to emigrate for
investment because of financial burdens. Taking everything into account, rearranging the infrastructure is a basic step for development in some countries.
, the policy has a positive effect on the community.
Submitted by [email protected] on

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Linking words for giving examples:

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  • such as
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  • take, for example

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