Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause serious social problems, as well as practical problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Living abroad has been popularized during the
decades. It is mainly explained by the necessity of searching for better opportunities around the world in order to improve our professional profiles
as well as
visit breathtaking places. Despite having some drawbacks related to
, the advantages outweigh the demerits. In
essay, I will explain my reasons in detail. To start with, there are more than 100 different languages worldwide.
, humankind has to learn either the native tongue spoken in the country that will be visited or English because it is considered the universal language.
it used to be a stumbling block, nowadays, most people have learnt more than one speech by removing the boundaries to communicate with each other.
, living overseas helps the population to learn a new tongue readily.
For example
, in the United States, psychologist researchers have shown that the best techniques to learn a new language are living in a country where the language to be learnt is the mother tongue and avoiding speaking their mother’s speech.
, if humanity desires to live abroad, the main cultural characteristics of the region should be learnt in order to be part of a specific society.
, there are many 'cultural shocks' in all fields because lives are strongly different from the environment where people were raised.
For instance
, the flavours of the food, ways of wearing clothes, and rules and governmental policies vary among countries.
, managing cultural variations is a method for acquiring knowledge
as well as
learning techniques for survival overseas.
For example
, it has been proved that people who live at least once outside their native countries, tend to be more resilient.
To sum up
, everyone who desires to live overseas should learn how to modify their habits in order to leverage the experience and find the easiest ways to struggle against the difficulties.
Submitted by luciaagudelomotta on

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task achievement
Ensure that examples directly address the question. While examples about language learning and cultural adaptation are relevant, they should clearly connect to the potential social and practical problems mentioned in the prompt.
coherence cohesion
Link your reasons directly to your argument. Sometimes, the connection between your points and the central argument that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks can be made clearer.
coherence cohesion
Avoid minor grammatical inaccuracies and awkwardly phrased sentences. This will help enhance the clarity of your responses.
Your introduction effectively sets the stage for your argument. It clearly outlines the main points you will discuss.
supported main points
You provide some strong examples and supporting details that help illustrate your points, particularly regarding language learning and cultural immersion.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • linguistic proficiency
  • cross-cultural communication
  • miscommunication
  • social integration
  • linguistic alienation
  • cultural dissonance
  • language acquisition
  • communication breakdown
  • interpreter services
  • language courses
  • bilingualism
  • multilingualism
  • language barrier
  • effective communication
  • cultural assimilation
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