Plastic bags, plastic bottles and plastic packaging are bad for the environment. What damage does plastic do to the environment? What can be done by governments and individuals to solve this problem?

It is a fact that some things which are made of
pose harmful effects on the
essay will discuss some possible negative impacts of them,
as well as
suggest some measures which governments and individuals can take in order to address
problem. Because of the biodegradable feature of
materials, they
a long time in the
. In the beginning, they can be moved with water streams or winds to forests and oceans and will remain there.
maintenance may pose a significant threat to some different species
for example
birds, fish and other animals which live in these regions. Eventually, so as to the chance of eating these
materials, they are more likely to cover the head and the body of animals and sniff them.
, these implications can lead to detrimental implications for ecosystems and environments. To rectify
situation, governments should provide some places for dividing
substances in order to send them for recycling on a regular basis.
as a result
of taking these measures, the production of these materials and the activities of factories will see a significant decrease.
, people should try to avoid throwing trash in outdoor places
as rivers, streets and forests so as to not create opportunities for serious dangers in the ecosystem. In conclusion, the harmful effects of leaving and maintaining
bags, bottles and packaging for animals and marine creatures have led to adverse effects on the
situation can be dealt with if governments and individuals provide suitable opportunities for recycling various
Correct subject-verb agreement
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and avoiding throwing them into the
Submitted by kargar.mh1992 on

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task achievement
Your essay does a good job of addressing the task and is well-organized. To achieve a higher score, you could provide more specific examples and details to further support your points. For instance, mentioning specific studies or statistics could strengthen your argument.
coherence cohesion
The essay is logically structured and the arguments flow well. However, work on refining the transitions between paragraphs and ideas to enhance coherence. Small connectors and linking words can make your writing smoother.
coherence cohesion
You have successfully introduced the topic and provided a clear conclusion that summarizes the main points well.
task achievement
The essay covers the required aspects of the task, discussing both the negative impacts of plastic on the environment and potential solutions.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • plastic pollution
  • ecosystems
  • wildlife
  • climate change
  • fossil fuels
  • air pollution
  • strict regulations
  • plastic consumption
  • eco-friendly alternatives
  • sustainable packaging
  • recycling facilities
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