Many studies show that poor people are more likely to be involved in petty and serious crimes than people who come from higher-income groups. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

It can be seen in many research articles that lower-income generators are more likely to engage in illegal
than those who belong to wealthy backgrounds. I totally agree with the given statement and
essay will shed light on the appropriate reasons as well in
, the core reason is the poor financial condition of
In other words
compulsion leads to crime when one cannot afford necessities for their family like food, house, and, clothes, it encourages them to snatch those stuff wrongly.
For example
, the news article in the Times of India, says that recently a maid in Bombay City had stolen, a luxury watch from her owner to pay her daughter’s school fees. Another reason can be inequality in the society. By that, it means, not equal rights in institutions like educational institutes and jobs. There are several schools, which only provide admissions to students who come from rich families.
As a result
, poor individual individuals find
unfair to them and commit crimes and become thieves to
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all the basic requirements of their
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For instance
, the series on Netflix called "Scam 2003" is truly based on
concept that how poor people do illegal
to become rich and leave the Porsche lifestyle, which is based on true events. In conclusion, I must say that money is important to survive, but try to get it by doing
that are against the law. Can send someone behind
Correct article usage
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Submitted by pateldhruvi038 on

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task achievement
While your essay has clear and comprehensive main ideas, adding more specific examples and statistical data would strengthen your arguments. Consider citing more concrete studies or reports to back up your claims.
coherence cohesion
Your essay effectively presents a logical structure with well-organized paragraphs. However, be mindful of minor grammatical errors and awkward phrasing to enhance readability. For instance, you could revise 'the news article in the Times of India, says that recently' to 'a recent news article in the Times of India states that'.
coherence cohesion
You have successfully provided clear main points for your arguments and organized them into coherent paragraphs, contributing to a logical flow in your essay.
coherence cohesion
Your essay has a strong introduction and conclusion, which help frame your discussion effectively.
task achievement
The examples you provided, like the maid in Bombay City and the Netflix series 'Scam 2003', illustrate your points well and contribute to a well-rounded argument.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • economic stress
  • quality education
  • criminal behavior
  • unemployment
  • social environment
  • peer pressure
  • impoverished areas
  • mental health resources
  • criminal tendencies
  • legal means
  • charged
  • convicted
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