In many countries, more and more people choose to buy imported food rather than food produced locally. Why people buy imported food? What could be done to encourage people buy local food?

Throughout the world, a host of citizens are opting to purchase imported foodstuff
of locally produced
is happening
due to
the variety of yield,
can be persuaded to shop for local
by promoting local
festivals. It must be understood that the core factor leading to the demand for imported
is the classification of supplements. In many countries, farmers just cultivate only a few plants which does not gain more attention from
in these nations.
, many
choose to spend more money on imported
rather than local
For instance
, in the UK, the climate is not suitable for cultivating some representative plants so the citizens always prefer consuming foreign
, predominantly which is grown in Asia as durian, rambutan or even orange.
, when going shopping, inhabitants have a tendency to opt for abroad
. Another argument worth considering is that the local authority can boost native
in the local cuisine market. When the government allow the regional cultivators to organize the territorial harvest trade, both visitors and denizens
have knowledge of the regional foodstuff and have an opportunity to taste their flavours.
, many inhabitants after attending
festival, spend more money on the native cuisine which the previous time they did not want to opt for. Thanks to that campaign, many agricultural zones like Long Khanh City can publicize their
to the provincial
. In conclusion, there are more core factors leading to the demand for consuming imported cuisine but the foremost reason
Correct pronoun usage
that needs
show examples
to be regarded is the category.
situation can be tackled by the fair popularizing the native
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coherence cohesion
Ensure that all main points are fully supported with specific detail and development. For instance, in the paragraph discussing local festivals, you could provide additional detailed examples of how these have worked in specific regions or countries.
coherence cohesion
Work on using a wider range of cohesive devices. While you have used several, varying them a bit more could enhance the flow of the essay.
task achievement
Some sentences can be more clear. For instance, 'In many countries, farmers just cultivate a few plants which do not gain much attention from people in these nations' could be rephrased for clarity.
task achievement
Try to expand on your ideas slightly more. The points made are good, but elaborating on them could lead to a higher score.
coherence cohesion
The essay has a clear structure, making it easy to follow and understand the main points. The introduction provides a good premise for the discussion, and the conclusion effectively summarizes the main arguments.
task achievement
You provided relevant examples, such as the climate constraints in the UK, to support your arguments. This adds credibility and specificity to your essay.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • allure
  • novelty
  • diversity
  • perception
  • premium
  • globalization
  • cuisines
  • economic factors
  • subsidies
  • tariffs
  • competitive
  • farm-to-table
  • eco-conscious
  • consumption
  • sustainability
  • local economy
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