Your friend from overseas is coming to visit you next month. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, •tell them what they need to bring •tell them what they will be doing during the time they are visiting •warn them about some things that might be challenging

Hey Sarah, I’m so happy you are coming to visit me next month and wanted to give you some important details about your stay here in Ho Chi Minh City. Before you come, make sure that you have the correct visa or
have problems at the airport.
want to bring some high-quality mosquito repellent. If you aren’t protected, the mosquitos will eat you alive out here. These are the only things
really need, aside from the things you would normally bring. There are so many things for us to do when you arrive. We’ll be spending the first few days in the city, but after
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we can explore other parts of the country. Vietnam is a beautiful place, with so much to see and experience. I know
enjoy your time here. With that said, there is something that I want to warn you about. The way people drive in
country is absolutely insane. It’s every man for himself on the road and nobody follows the rules. Luckily, we’ll be travelling by train most of the time, so we won’t be in the mix too much. I look forward to seeing you soon! Tom
Submitted by mojgan.sobhani on

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task achievement
You could add a little more detail about what items to bring apart from mosquito repellent, such as weather-appropriate clothing or any specific gear for activities you have planned.
task achievement
Consider elaborating slightly on some of the experiences and sites you will be visiting to give a more vivid picture to the reader.
coherence cohesion
Your letter is well-structured with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.
coherence cohesion
Each paragraph addresses a single idea, making it easy to follow the flow of information.
task achievement
The tone is friendly and appropriate for the context of writing to a friend.

The Closing

The style of the letter determine how you have to close it.

Check out the suggested closing sentences for each type of letter in the General IELTS Test. The closing sentence should be the last sentence of your letter.

Formal style (To someone you have not met, whose name you don’t know)

  • Yours faithfully,

Semi-formal (To someone you may or may not have met, whose last name you know)

  • Yours sincerely,

Informal (To someone you know well, whose first name you know and use)

  • Best regards,
  • Warm wishes,

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